This table contains credential authorizations and subjects that the Commission currently authorizes. This list does not include credential authorizations that the Commission no longer issues.
Document Title | Authorization Title | Authorization Code | Subject Code | Subject | Notes or Restrictions |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1E | BSS | Biological Sciences (Specialized) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1E | BSSX | Biological Sciences (Specialized) (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1F | FM | Foundational-Level Mathematics | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1F | FMX | Foundational-Level Mathematics (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1G | GES | Geosciences (Specialized) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1G | GESX | Geosciences (Specialized) (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1GS | SIF | Foundational-Level General Science | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1GS | SIFX | Foundational-Level General Science (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1H | CHS | Chemistry (Specialized) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1H | CHSX | Chemistry (Specialized) (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1P | PHS | Physics (Specialized) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential (Specialized) | R1P | PHSX | Physics (Specialized) (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | AGRI | Agriculture |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | AGRX | Agriculture (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ART | Art | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ARTX | Art (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | BUSI | Business |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | BUSX | Business (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ENGL | English |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ENGX | English (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ESTO | Foreign Language: Estonian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ESTX | Foreign Language: Estonian (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLA | Foreign Language: Armenian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLAE | Foreign Language: Armenian (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLAR | Foreign Language: Arabic | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLAS | Foreign Language: American Sign Language | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLAX | Foreign Language: American Sign Language (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLAZ | Foreign Language: Arabic (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLB | Foreign Language: Bulgarian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLC | Foreign Language: Chinese | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLCA | Foreign Language: Cantonese | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLCX | Foreign Language: Cantonese (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLEX | Foreign Language: Hebrew (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLF | Foreign Language: French | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLFA | Foreign Language: Farsi | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLFX | Foreign Language: French (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLFZ | Foreign Language: Farsi (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLG | Foreign Language: German | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLG2 | Foreign Language: Greek | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLGX | Foreign Language: German (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLH | Foreign Language: Hebrew | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLHM | Foreign Language: Hmong | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLHU | Foreign Language: Hungarian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLHX | Foreign Language: Hmong (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLI | Foreign Language: Italian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLIX | Foreign Language: Italian (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLJ | Foreign Language: Japanese | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLJX | Foreign Language: Japanese (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLK | Foreign Language: Korean | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLKH | Foreign Language: Khmer | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLKX | Foreign Language: Korean (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLKZ | Foreign Language: Khmer (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLL | Foreign Language: Latin | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLLX | Foreign Language: Latin (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLM | Foreign Language: Mandarin | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLMX | Foreign Language: Mandarin (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLOX | Foreign Language: Portuguese (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLP | Foreign Language: Punjabi | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLP2 | Foreign Language: Portuguese | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLPI | Foreign Language: Filipino | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLPO | Foreign Language: Polish | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLPX | Foreign Language: Punjabi (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLPZ | Foreign Language: Filipino (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLR | Foreign Language: Russian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLRO | Foreign Language: Romanian | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLRX | Foreign Language: Russian (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLS | Foreign Language: Spanish | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLSX | Foreign Language: Spanish (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLT | Foreign Language: Turkish | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLTX | Foreign Language: Turkish (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLV | Foreign Language: Vietnamese | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | FLVX | Foreign Language: Vietnamese (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | HE | Home Economics |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | HEX | Home Economics (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | HIST | History |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | HS | Health Science | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | HSX | Health Science (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ITE | Industrial and Technology Education |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | ITEX | Industrial and Technology Education (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | LS | Life Science |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | LSX | Life Science (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | MATH | Mathematics | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | MATX | Mathematics (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | MUSI | Music | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | MUSX | Music (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PE | Physical Education |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PEX | Physical Education (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PS | Physical Science |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PSX | Physical Science (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SBS | Science: Biological Sciences | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SBSX | Science: Biological Sciences (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SC | Science: Chemistry | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SCX | Science: Chemistry (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SG | Science: Geosciences | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SGX | Science: Geosciences (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SP | Science: Physics | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SPX | Science: Physics (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SS | Social Science | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | SSX | Social Science (Examination) | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1WL | WLEL | World Language: English Language Development | |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1WL | WLEX | World Language: English Language Development (Examination) | |
TC2 | Multiple Subject Teaching Credential | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TC2 | Multiple Subject Teaching Credential | R2M | GSX | General Subjects (Examination) | |
TC2 | Multiple Subject Teaching Credential | R2M | SPTE | Special Preparation for Teaching Early Childhood: Preschool-3 | |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | AGRI | Agriculture |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ARAB | Arabic |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ARME | Armenian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ART | Art |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ASL | American Sign Language |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | BUSI | Business |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | CAMB | Cambodian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | CANT | Cantonese |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | CHIN | Chinese |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | CSCI | Computer Science |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | CROA | Croatian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ENGL | English |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ESL | English as a Second Language |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | PILI | Filipino |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | FREN | French |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | GERM | German |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | GREE | Greek |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | HEBR | Hebrew |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | HMON | Hmong |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | HE | Home Economics |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | HS | Health Science |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | IA | Industrial Arts |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | ITAL | Italian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | JAPA | Japanese |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | KORE | Korean |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | LAOT | Laotian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | LATI | Latin |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | LS | Life Science |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | MAND | Mandarin |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | MATH | Mathematics |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | MUSI | Music |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | PE | Physical Education |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | PORT | Portuguese |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | PUNJ | Punjabi |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | RUSS | Russian |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | SCIE | Science |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | SPAN | Spanish |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | SS | Social Science |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | TAGA | Tagalog |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | VIET | Vietnamese |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | AIF | Accounting including Finance |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | AGME | Agricultural Mechanics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ANSC | Animal Science |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | AM2 | Auto Mechanics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ANTH | Anthropology |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | BSCI | Biological Science |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CEHE | Consumer Education (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CHEM | Chemistry |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CDHE | Child Development (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CJCA | Crafts, Including Jewelry and Ceramics (Art) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CPSI | Comparative Political Systems and International Relations |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CSCI | Computer Science |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | CTHE | Clothing and Textiles (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | DANC | Dance |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | DRAF | Drafting |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | DRAM | Drama |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | EC | English Composition |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ECCE | Economics and Consumer Education |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ECON | Economics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ELEC | Electronics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | FH1 | Forestry and Horticulture |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | FLEI | Family Life Education including Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | FLPH | Family Life and Parenting (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | FNHE | Food and Nutrition (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | GA | Graphic Arts |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | GEOG | Geography |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | GEOS | Geosciences |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ICP | Industrial Crafts and Plastics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | IDHE | Interior Design (Home Economics) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | IM | Instrumental Music |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | JOUR | Journalism |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | LITE | Literature |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | ME | Marketing/ Entrepreneurship |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | MIA | Metals (Industrial Arts) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | OTIW | Office Technologies inc. Word Processing & Business Communication |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | OH | Ornamental Horticulture |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PD | Painting and Drawing |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PHOT | Photography |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PHYS | Physics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PSCI | Plant Science |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PIA | Plastics (Industrial Arts) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | PSYC | Psychology |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | SOCI | Sociology |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | SPEE | Speech |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | USGU | US Government and US Civics |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | USHH | US History and History of California |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | VM | Vocal Music |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | WIA | Woods (Industrial Arts) |
TC1 | Specific Supplementary Authorization | R1A | WH | World History |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | INAG | Introductory Agriculture |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IA2 | Introductory Arabic |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IARM | Introductory Armenian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IA1 | Introductory Art |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IASL | Introductory American Sign Language |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IB | Introductory Business |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ICAM | Introductory Cambodian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ICAN | Introductory Cantonese |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IC | Introductory Chinese |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ICS | Introductory Computer Science |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ICR | Introductory Croatian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IE | Introductory English |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IESL | Introductory English as a Second Language |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IPIL | Introductory Filipino |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IF | Introductory French |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IG | Introductory German |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IGR | Introductory Greek |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IH | Introductory Hebrew |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IHM | Introductory Hmong |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IHE | Introductory Home Economics |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IHS | Introductory Health Science |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | II | Introductory Italian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IIA | Introductory Industrial Arts |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IJ | Introductory Japanese |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IK | Introductory Korean |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ILAO | Introductory Laotian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IL | Introductory Latin |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IM2 | Introductory Mathematics |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IM3 | Introductory Music |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IM4 | Introductory Mandarin |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IPE | Introductory Physical Education |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IPOR | Introductory Portuguese |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IPUN | Introductory Punjabi |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IR | Introductory Russian |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IS | Introductory Spanish |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IS1 | Introductory Science |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ISS | Introductory Social Science |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | ITAG | Introductory Tagalog |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IV | Introductory Vietnamese |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | ART1 | Art History/Appreciation |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | ART2 | Two-Dimensional Art |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | ART3 | Three-Dimensional Art |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | BS | Biological Science |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | CHEM | Chemistry |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | CIGO | Civics/Government |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | DANC | Dance |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | DRTH | Drama/Theatre |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | EC | English Composition |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | ECSS | Economics (Social Science) |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | GEOG | Geography |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | GEOS | Geosciences |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | HIST | History |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | IM | Instrumental Music |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | LITE | Literature |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | PHOT | Photography |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | PHYS | Physics |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | PSCI | Plant Science |
TC1, TC2 | Specific Subject Matter Authorization | SMAA | VM | Vocal Music |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IA2 | Introductory Arabic |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IARM | Introductory Armenian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IA1 | Introductory Art |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IASL | Introductory American Sign Language |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ICAM | Introductory Cambodian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ICAN | Introductory Cantonese |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IC | Introductory Chinese |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IE | Introductory English |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IPIL | Introductory Filipino |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IF | Introductory French |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IG | Introductory German |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IGR | Introductory Greek |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IH | Introductory Hebrew |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IHM | Introductory Hmong |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | II | Introductory Italian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IJ | Introductory Japanese |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IK | Introductory Korean |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ILAO | Introductory Laotian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IL | Introductory Latin |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IM2 | Introductory Mathematics |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IM3 | Introductory Music |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IM4 | Introductory Mandarin |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IN | Introductory Norwegian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IPUN | Introductory Punjabi |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IPOR | Introductory Portuguese |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IR | Introductory Russian |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IS | Introductory Spanish |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IS1 | Introductory Science |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ISS | Introductory Social Science |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ITAG | Introductory Tagalog |
TC1, TC2 | Introductory Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IV | Introductory Vietnamese |
TC10 | District Intern Multiple Subject | R10M | GS | General Subjects |
TC10 | District Intern Multiple Subject | R10M | GSX | General Subjects (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ART | Art |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ARTX | Art (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | BUSI | Business |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | BUSX | Business (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ENGL | English |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ENGX | English (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | FLS | Foreign Language: Spanish |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | FLSX | Foreign Language: Spanish (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | FMX | Foundational-Level Mathematics (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | HE | Home Economics |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | HEX | Home Economics (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | HS | Health Science |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | HSX | Health Science (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ITE | Industrial and Technology Education |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | ITEX | Industrial and Technology Education (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | MATH | Mathematics |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | MATX | Mathematics (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | MUSI | Music |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | MUSX | Music (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | PE | Physical Education |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | PEX | Physical Education (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SBS | Science: Biological Sciences |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SBSX | Science: Biological Sciences (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SC | Science: Chemistry |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SCX | Science: Chemistry (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SG | Science: Geosciences |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SGX | Science: Geosciences (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SP | Science: Physics |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SPX | Science: Physics (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SS | Social Science |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | SSX | Social Science (Examination) |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3MN | MN | Mild To Moderate Support Needs |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3EN | EN | Extensive Support Needs |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3HD | HD1 | Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3ER | ER | Early Childhood Special Education |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3VB | VB | Visual Impairments |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | SEEC | NONE | Early Childhood Added Authorization |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3BM | BMN | Education Specialist Bridge – Mild to Moderate Support Needs |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3BE | BEN | Education Specialist Bridge – Extensive Support Needs |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3BC | BCH | Education Specialist Bridge – Early Childhood |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3DH | DHH | Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3EC | ECSE | Early Childhood Special Education | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3LD | LAD | Language and Academic Development | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3MM | MM | Mild/Moderate Disabilities | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3MS | MS | Moderate/Severe Disabilities | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3PI | PHI | Physical and Health Impairments | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3VI | VI | Visual Impairments | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AAAS | NONE | Autism Spectrum Disorders | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AADB | NONE | Deaf-Blind | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AAED | NONE | Emotional Disturbance | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AAOH | NONE | Other Health Impairment | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AAOI | NONE | Orthopedic Impairment | |
TC3S | Education Specialist Added Authorization | AATB | NONE | Traumatic Brain Injury | |
SA1 | Resource Specialist Added Authorization | RSAA | NONE | ||
TC3A | Specialist Instruction Credential | R3A1 | AGRI | Agriculture | |
TC3C | Specialist Instruction Credential | R3C1 | ECE | Early Childhood Education | |
TC3D | Specialist Instruction Credential | R3D1 | GE | Gifted Education | |
TC3E | Specialist Instruction Credential | R3E1 | HS | Health Science | |
SA7 | Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization | APEA | NONE | ||
Multiple | Full English Learner Authorization | ELA1 | NONE | ||
Multiple | Full English Learner Authorization | ELA2 | NONE | ||
Multiple | Full English Learner Authorization | R1CL | CLAD | Crosscultural, Language & Academic Development Emphasis | |
TC1 | Limited English Learner Authorization | ELAS | NONE |
| |
TC2 | Limited English Learner Authorization | ELAM | NONE |
| |
TC3S | Limited English Learner Authorization | ELAE | NONE |
| |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAAB | NONE | Bilingual: Arabic | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAAR | NONE | Bilingual: Armenian | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAAS | NONE | Bilingual: American Sign Language | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BACA | NONE | Bilingual: Cantonese | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAFA | NONE | Bilingual: Farsi | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAFI | NONE | Bilingual: Filipino | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAFR | NONE | Bilingual: French | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAGR | NONE | Bilingual: German | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAHM | NONE | Bilingual: Hmong | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAJA | NONE | Bilingual: Japanese | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAKM | NONE | Bilingual: Khmer | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAKO | NONE | Bilingual: Korean | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAMA | NONE | Bilingual: Mandarin | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAPO | NONE | Bilingual: Portuguese | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAPU | NONE | Bilingual: Punjabi | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BARU | NONE | Bilingual: Russian | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BASP | NONE | Bilingual: Spanish | |
Multiple | Bilingual Authorization | BAVI | NONE | Bilingual: Vietnamese | |
SC1A | Administrative Services Credential | R54A | NONE | Administrative Services | |
SC1A | Administrative Services Credential | R54C | NONE |
| |
SC5 | Pupil Personnel Services Credential | R511 | SC2 | School Counseling | |
SC5 | Pupil Personnel Services Credential | R512 | SSW | School Social Work | |
SC5 | Pupil Personnel Services Credential | R513 | SP2 | School Psychology | |
SC5 | Pupil Personnel Services Credential | R514 | SCWA | School Child Welfare and Attendance | |
SC8 | Speech Language Pathology Services Credential | LSH | LSH | Language/Speech/Hearing | |
SC8 | Speech Language Pathology Services Credential | AUDL | AUDI | Audiology | |
SC8 | Speech Language Pathology Services Credential | LSCA | SCA | Special Class Authorization | |
SC4 | Clinical or Rehabilitative Services (CRS) Credential | R56A | AUDI | Audiology | |
SC4 | Clinical or Rehabilitative Services (CRS) Credential | R56A | OM | Orientation and Mobility | |
SC3A | School Nurse Services Credential | R52N | NONE | ||
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | CPSY | Clinical Psychologist | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | DENT | Dentist | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | DH | Dental Hygenist | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | OPTO | Optometrist | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | PHY | Physician | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | PSW | Psychiatric Social Worker | |
SC3 | Other Health Services Credential | R52B | SW | Social Worker | |
SC2B | Teacher Librarian Services Credential | R53B | NONE | Teacher Librarian | |
SC2B | Teacher Librarian Services Credential | R53S | NONE | Special Class Authorization |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ANR | Agriculture and Natural Resources | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ASL | American Sign Language |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ARAB | Arabic |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ARME | Armenian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ART | Art | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | AMAE | Arts, Media, and Entertainment | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | BTC | Building and Construction Trades | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FAB | Business and Finance | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | CHIN | Chinese |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ECDF | Education, Child Development, and Family Services | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ESBS | Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | EU | Energy, Environment, and Utilities | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ED | Engineering and Architecture | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ENGL | English |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ESL | English as a Second Language |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FEDU | Family Education | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FID | Fashion and Interior Design | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FLIT | Financial Literacy | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FA | Fine Arts |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | FREN | French |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | GERM | German |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | GREE | Greek |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HSFT | Health and Safety | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HSMT | Health Science and Medical Technology | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HEBR | Hebrew |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HIND | Hindi |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HTR | Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | HUNG | Hungarian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ITEC | Information and Communication Technologies | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | ITAL | Italian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | JAPA | Japanese |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | KORE | Korean |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | LATI | Latin |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | LSIG | Life Science, including General Science |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | MPD | Manufacturing and Product Development | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | MSS | Marketing, Sales, and Service | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | MATH | Mathematics |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | PERS | Persian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | PSIG | Physical Science, including General Science |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | PORT | Portuguese |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | PSER | Public Service | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | PUNJ | Punjabi |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | RUSS | Russian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SANS | Sanskrit |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SERB | Serbo Croatian |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SLOV | Slovak |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SSCI | Social Sciences |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SPAN | Spanish |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | SWED | Swedish |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | TAGA | Tagalog |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | THAI | Thai |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | TRAN | Transportation | |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | TURK | Turkish |
AETC | Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential | R4FA | VIET | Vietnamese |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | AMAE | Arts, Media, and Entertainment |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | ANR | Agriculture and Natural Resources |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | BTC | Building and Construction Trades |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | ECDF | Education, Child Development, and Family Services |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | ED | Engineering and Architecture |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | EU | Energy, Environment and Utilities |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | FAB | Business and Finance |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | FID | Fashion and Interior Design |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | HSMT | Health Science and Medical Technology |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | HTR | Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | ITEC | Information and Communication Technologies |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | MPD | Manufacturing and Product Development |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | MSS | Marketing, Sales, and Service |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | PSER | Public Service |
CTE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential (CTE) | R4T | TRAN | Transportation |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | AFI | Aviation Flight Instruction | |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | AGI | Aviation Ground Instruction | |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | BMD | Basic Military Drill | |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | DEDT | Driver Education and Driver Training | |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | LDT | Limited Driver Training | |
TC4S | Designated Subjects Special Subjects Credential | R4C | ROTC | Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) | |
SA4 | Designated Subjects Supervision and Coordination Credential | S4 | NONE | ||
P12A | Child Development Assistant Teacher Permit | 12A | NONE | ||
P12A | Child Development Assistant Teacher Permit | 12AA | NONE |
| |
P12B | Child Development Associate Teacher Permit | 12B | NONE | ||
P12B | Child Development Associate Teacher Permit | 12BB | NONE |
| |
P12C | Child Development Teacher Permit | 12C | NONE | ||
P12C | Child Development Teacher Permit | 12CC | NONE |
| |
P12D | Child Development Master Teacher Permit | 12D | NONE | ||
P12D | Child Development Master Teacher Permit | 12DD | NONE |
| |
P12E | Child Development Site Supervisor Permit | 12E | NONE | ||
P12E | Child Development Site Supervisor Permit | 12EE | NONE |
| |
P12F | Child Development Program Director Permit | 12F | NONE | ||
P12F | Child Development Program Director Permit | 12FF | NONE |
| |
SUBP | Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit | P30 | NONE | ||
SUBP | Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit Waiver | P30B | NONE | ||
SUBT | Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers | P90 | NONE | ||
SUBC | Emergency Career Substitute Permit | P60 | NONE |
| |
SUBE | Designated Subjects Career Technical Education 30-Day Substitute | P30V | NONE |
| |
TPSL | Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (Multiple Subject) | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TPSL | Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (Multiple Subject) | R2M | GSX | General Subjects (Examination) | |
TPSL | Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (Single Subject) | R1S |
| ||
TPSL | Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (Special Education) | R3SE | |||
SA17 | Certificate of Completion of Staff Development | S17A | NONE | ||
RLAA | Reading and Literacy Added Authorization | RLAA | NONE | ||
RLLS | Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist | RLSS | NONE | ||
MILS | Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist | MIL1 | NONE | ||
MILS | Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist | MIL2 | NONE | ||
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | NANP | Northern Pomo | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | NAHU | Hupa | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | NAYU | Yurok | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | NACA | Cahuilla | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | CHUK | Chukchansi | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | PATW | Patwin | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | SACH | Samala Chumash | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | NATD | Tolowa Dee-ni' | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | CHAM | Cham'teela | |
AIL | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | KIWA | Kineste Wailacki | |
AILC | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | CSMI | Central Sierra Miwok | |
AILC | American Indian Languages Credential | AILA | YUKI | Yuki | |
TC5 | Eminence Teaching Credential | R5F | Indicated on Document | ||
TC7 | Exchange Certificated Employee Teaching Credential | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TC7 | Exchange Certificated Employee Teaching Credential | R2M | GSX | General Subjects (Examination) | |
TC7 | Exchange Certificated Employee Teaching Credential | R1S |
| ||
TC8 | Sojourn Certificated Employee Teaching Credential | R8 | Indicated on Document | ||
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | THTR | Theater |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | THTX | Theater (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | THTR | Theater |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | THTX | Theater (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | DNCE | Dance |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | DNCX | Dance (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | DNCE | Dance |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | DNCX | Dance (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | EN1 | English |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | EN1X | English (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | EN1 | English |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | EN1X | English (Examination) |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PE1 | Physical Education |
TC1 | Single Subject Teaching Credential | R1S | PE1X | Physical Education (Examination) |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | PE1 | Physical Education |
TC10 | District Intern Single Subject | R9 | PE1X | Physical Education (Examination) |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | THTR | Introductory Theater |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | THTR | Theater |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | DNCE | Introductory Dance |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | DNCE | Dance |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IE1 | Introductory English |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | EN1 | English |
TC1 | Introductory Supplementary Authorization (TC1) | R1B | IPE1 | Introductory Physical Education |
TC2 | Supplementary Authorization | R2B | PE1 | Physical Education |
TC1, TC2 | Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | ITHT | Introductory Theater |
TC1, TC2 | Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IDNC | Introductory Dance |
TC1, TC2 | Subject Matter Authorization | SMAB | IE1 | Introductory English |
TC15 | Emergency Specialist Teaching Permit in Early Childhood Education | R3EP | NONE |
| |
TC10 | District Intern Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3MN | MN | Mild to Moderate Support Needs |
TC10 | District Intern Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3EN | EN | Extensive Support Needs |
TC10 | District Intern Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R3ER | ER | Early Childhood Special Education |
PK3 | PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential | PK3 | NONE |
| |
TC10 | District Intern PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential | R10P | NONE |
| |
PK3, TC10 | Limited English Learner Authorization | ELAP | NONE |
| |
TC13 | Short-Term Staff Permit (Multiple Subject) | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TC13 | Short-Term Staff Permit (Multiple Subject) | R2M | GSX | General Subjects (Examination) | |
TC13 | Short-Term Staff Permit (Single Subject) | R1S, R1F, R1GS, R1WL |
| ||
TC13 | Short-Term Staff Permit (Special Education) |
| |||
TC14 | Provisional Internship Permit (Multiple Subject) | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TC14 | Provisional Internship Permit (Single Subject) | R1S, R1F, R1GS, R1WL |
| ||
TC14 | Provisional Internship Permit (Special Education) |
| |||
TLA1 | General Education Single Subject Limited Assignment Teaching Permit | R1S, R1F, R1GS, R1WL |
| ||
TLA2 | General Education Multiple Subject Limited Assignment Teaching Permit | R2M | GS | General Subjects | |
TLA3 | Special Education Limited Assignment Teaching Permit |
| |||
SC2E | Emergency Teacher Librarian Services Permit | R53B | NONE | Teacher Librarian | |
SA1P | Resource Specialist Permit | S1 | NONE |
Updated September 13, 2024