Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 322-6253
Commission Meeting Agenda
April 13-16, 2021
Watch Meeting: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, Wednesday, April 14, 2021, Thursday, April 15, 2021 and Friday, April 16, 2021 Part 1 Part 2.
Attachments are in PDF, Microsoft Word or Excel formats.
Submit Written Public Comments
In response to Governor Newsom’s declaration of a State of an Emergency relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and Executive Order N-29-20 the Commission on Teacher Credentialing will conduct the public portion of its meeting via Zoom webcast. Members of the Commission will not be present at the Commission office but will participate by teleconference from other locations throughout the state. The public may access the General Session of this meeting through the Zoom webcast. If they do not have computer access, they may participate by telephone via the US Toll-Free call-in numbers delineated below.
Meeting Participation via Zoom Webcast
The Commission’s General Session teleconference meeting will be accessible for public participation through a Zoom webcast. The following links are provided to access the webcasts on April 13-16, 2021:
- 3:00 p.m., April 13, 2021
- 9:00 a.m., April 14, 2021
- 9:00 a.m., April 15, 2021
- 8:30 a.m., April 16, 2021
Meeting Participation via Teleconference
If you do not have access to a computer, the public may listen to the Commission meeting by dialing US Toll-Free: 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499. The Meeting ID number for each day is listed below:
- April 13: 899 4233 4187
- April 14: 824 2630 1063
- April 15: 823 9409 2045
- April 16: 889 6746 0060
Note: Individuals calling from a blocked telephone number who plan to make public comment (see below) on an agenda item during the course of the meeting must unblock their telephone number by dialing *82 prior to entering the toll-free number listed above.
Public Comment Procedures
Members of the public wishing to address the Commission during the discussion of an agenda item that will be presented at this meeting are asked to send an email to comments@ctc.ca.gov. The email must include the following information:
- Agenda item number in the subject line
- Name and affiliation of the person who will address the Commission
Note: The name of individual requesting to speak must match the name used to join the webinar and/or include the telephone number if joining the meeting through teleconference.
Public comment may be limited to one-minute per speaker depending on the volume of speakers wishing to speak to a particular agenda item.
Members of the public wishing to address the Commission on a subject to be considered at this meeting who DO NOT have internet access may call 916-322-6253. If calling prior to the meeting, leave a voicemail with the above listed information, including your phone number. Your name will be called when the item is open for public comment. You will need to be connected to the meeting via the US Toll-Free number listed above to make your public comment.
At the appropriate time for public comment Commission staff will call the name of the individual who has sent an email or left a voicemail requesting to speak on an agenda item and invite them to give their comment. At that time, the meeting host will change the individual’s permissions and ask that they turn on their camera and unmute their microphone to share their comment. At the conclusion of the speaker’s comments the meeting host will remove the individual’s permission and their camera and microphone will be disabled.
Staff will be monitoring email and voicemail at 916-322-6253 for public comment requests prior to and during the presentation of each item.
Written Comments Procedures
Members of the public wishing to submit written comments to the Commission regarding an agenda item are asked to submit written comments online no later than Monday at 5:00 pm the week of the meeting. If you are unable to submit your comments online, please contact the Commission at execoffice@ctc.ca.gov. If you cannot meet the deadline, you are welcome to make public comments during the meeting (see above).
All times are approximate and are provided for convenience only except time specific items identified herein (i.e., Public Hearing). The order of business within each day may be changed without notice. All items may be reordered to be heard on any day of the noticed meeting.
Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Rhonda Brown at 916-322-6253 or sending a written request to that person at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting.
1A: Interview, Recommendation, and Appointment of Members for the Committee on Accreditation
This agenda item provides information about the finalists for open positions on the Committee on Accreditation (COA). After interviewing the finalists from institutions of higher education and the K-12 community, the Ad Hoc Committee will select three individuals to recommend to the Commission for appointment to the COA and may recommend additional individuals as alternates.
Chair Tine Sloan will convene General Session. Roll call will be taken, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.
2A: Strategic Planning Session
This agenda item provides a summary of issues and questions surfaced by Commissioners during the December strategic planning session and provides an opportunity for Commissioners to consider areas for further study and needed updates to its mission, vision, values, and goals for the next five years.
Watch video Group A Breakout Session
The Commission will go into Closed Session pursuant to California Government Code section 11126, to consider the following pending litigation: Juan M. Jaimes v. California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Court of Appeal Second Appellate District, Division Seven, Case No. B291851) and Kathy Little, Simone Kovats and Debra Sather v. Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Court of Appeal Third Appellate District, Case No. C092001) and related cases pending administrative hearing. The Commission will also consider adverse actions, Petitions for Reinstatement, transcript reviews, Decisions and Orders, and Proposed Decisions in discipline cases while in Closed Session pursuant to California Education Code sections 44245, 44246, 44248, and Government Code section 11126. The Commission will report out of Closed Session appropriately concerning any and all actions taken or determinations made therein.
Reconvene General Session
Chair Tine Sloan will reconvene General Session.
2B: Approval of the February 2021 Minutes
The minutes of the February 2021 meeting of the Commission are submitted for approval.
2C: Approval of the April 2021 Agenda
The Agenda for the April 2021 meeting of the Commission is considered for approval.
2D: Approval of the April 2021 Consent Calendar
The Commission will consider approval of the April 2021 Consent Calendar.
2E: Chair’s Report
2F: Executive Director’s Report
2G: Commission Member Reports
2H: Liaison Reports
3A: Proposed 2022 and 2023 Commission Meeting Schedules
This agenda item presents proposed meeting schedules for 2022 and 2023. The Executive Committee will consider and recommend a schedule of meetings to the full Commission for approval.
4A: Teacher Supply in California, 2019-20 A Report to the Legislature
This agenda item is in response to Education Code §44225.6 which requires the Commission to report to the Governor and the Legislature each
year on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits, and waivers to teach in California public schools. In addition to the written Teacher Supply report, the educator supply dashboards have been updated with the most recent
4B: Update on the Development of the California Education Specialist Teaching Performance Assessment and Initial Pilot Study
This agenda
item presents an update on the development of the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) for Education Specialists and a summary of design team meetings from February 2020 to March 2021. Guiding principles for the continued development of this assessment
and fall 2020 pilot study data are presented as information for the Commission. In addition, staff seeks approval from the Commission to provide additional time for a comprehensive field test with the lower incidence credential areas of emphasis (ECSE,
DHH, and VI).
4C: Review and Proposed Adoption of the Revised Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs Teaching Performance Expectations
This agenda item presents revisions to the adopted Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) adopted in 2018 for the Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs credentials and requests that the Commission authorize
the use of these updated TPEs in the recently approved regulatory changes for Special Education.
4D: Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Pupil Personnel Services Credentials and Educator Preparation Program Standards in School Counseling, School Psychology, School Social Work, and Child Welfare and Attendance
This agenda item presents the proposed amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations in order to update the regulations to align with the recently adopted Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Educator Preparation Program Standards. The proposal
includes amendments to section 80049; the repeal of the outdated PPS standards in sections 80632, 80632.1, 80632.2, 80632.3, and 80632.4; and addition of sections 80605 and 80614.
4E: Annual Update on the Accreditation Data System
This agenda item provides an update on the Commission’s implementation of the Accreditation Data System (ADS).
Reconvene General Session
Chair Tine Sloan will reconvene General Session.
Items agendized on a previous day of this meeting, but not completed, may be taken up today.
4F: Initial Institutional Approval – Stage II: Eligibility Requirements for Relay Graduate School of Education
This agenda item presents, as part of the Initial Institutional Approval process, Relay Graduate School of Education’s responses to the Eligibility Requirements for consideration and possible approval by the Commission.
4G: Initial Institutional Approval – Stage II: Eligibility Requirements for Huntington Beach Union High School District
This agenda item presents, as part of the Initial Institutional Approval process, Huntington Beach Union High School District’s responses to the Eligibility Requirements for consideration and possible approval by the Commission.
4H: COVID Flexibilities: Recommendation to Extend the Waiver of Preconditions Related to Demonstration of Subject Matter Competence and Student Teaching
This agenda item requests consideration of extending the waiver of preconditions requiring demonstration of subject matter competence prior to daily whole class instruction for the 2021-22 academic year as adopted by the Commission.
4I: Update on Examinations: CSET, RICA, and CBEST
This agenda item provides an update on several Commission-owned examinations including new online proctoring opportunities for the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET): Multiple Subjects Subtests I and III, and English Subtests I-IV, the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST), and the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). In addition, information about a new subtest structure for the RICA and a proposal to retire the paper-based form of the CBEST are addressed.
4J: Draft Subject Matter Requirements for Art, Music, and Multiple Subjects Updated to Align with the 2019 California Arts Standards for Public Schools
This agenda item presents draft Subject Matter Requirements (SMRs) for the single subject credentials in Art and Music, and SMRs for the Multiple Subject credential updated to align with the 2019 California Arts Standards for Public Schools, Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve for the Commission’s review and input, and requests Commission direction to move these draft SMRs forward for content review by the field.
5A: Division of Professional Practices Workload Report
This agenda item provides a report on the Division of Professional Practices’ current workload.
6A: Status of Legislation
Staff will present the status of those legislative measures of interest to the Commission and address questions regarding any other legislation identified by the Commissioners.
6B: Analysis of Bill
Staff will present an analysis of AB 437 (Kalra), which impacts the Commission’s work. The analysis will summarize current law, describe the bill’s provisions and possible amendments, and estimate its costs.
2I: Interview, Recommendation, and Appointment of Members for the Committee on Accreditation
The Commission will consider persons recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee and make appointments.
2J: Proposed 2022 and 2023 Commission Meeting Schedules
The Commission will consider the recommendation of the Executive Committee to adopt meeting schedules for 2022 and 2023.
2K: Report of Closed Session Items
2L: New Business
- Bimonthly Agenda is presented
- Audience Presentations
- 2L Written Comments