Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 322-6253
Commission Meeting Agenda
February 6-8, 2019
Watch Meeting: Wednesday, February 6, 2019, Thursday, February 7, 2019 and Friday, February 8, 2019
All attachments are in PDF format
Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may make a request by contacting Rhonda Brown at (916) 322-6253 or sending a written request to that person at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting.
Live Webcast Presentation: The Commission meeting will be webcast via the internet. Access the broadcast on the CTC Meetings page. While the Commission intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast all or part of the open meeting due to technical issues or limitations on resources.
1A: Interview and Recommendation of Members/Alternates to the School Administrator Position for the Committee of Credentials
This agenda item provides information about the selection process for appointments to the Committee of Credentials. Applications submitted to the Commission prior to the posting of this item are attached. Any additional applications will be brought in as an insert on the day of the meeting.
General Session
Chair Linda Darling-Hammond will convene General Session. Roll call will be taken and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.
2A: Approval of the November 2018 Minutes
The minutes of the November 2018 meeting of the Commission are submitted for approval.
2B: Approval of the February 2019 Agenda
The Agenda for the February 2019 meeting of the Commission is considered for approval.
2C: Approval of the February 2019 Consent Calendar
The Commission will consider approval of the February 2019 Consent Calendar.
2D: Chair’s Report
2E: Executive Director’s Report
2F: Commission Member Reports
2G: Liaison Reports
2H: Commission on Teacher Credentialing Priorities for 2019
The Commission Policy Manual requires the Executive Director to establish annual goals and submit them to the Commission at the first meeting of each calendar year.
3A: Update on the Governor’s Proposed 2019-20 Budget
This agenda item provides an update on the sections of the Governor’s proposed 2019-20 budget that relate to the Commission.
4A: Initial Institutional Approval – Stage II: Eligibility Requirements for Stella Middle Charter Academy
This agenda item presents, as part of the Initial Institutional Approval process, Stella Middle Charter Academy’s responses to the Eligibility Requirements for consideration and possible approval by the Commission.
4B: Child Development Permit: Candidate Performance Expectations and Preparation Program Guidelines
This agenda item presents the revised Early Childhood Education (ECE) Performance Expectations and Preparation Program Guidelines related to the Child Development Permit for review and potential adoption.
4C: Concurrent Bilingual Authorization Candidates and the Teaching Performance Assessment Requirement
This agenda item addresses the context of Concurrent Bilingual Candidates relative to the Teaching Performance Assessment requirement, and provides options for the Commission’s consideration and potential staff direction.
4D: Proposed Modification of the Equivalency Process for Commission-Approved Subject Matter Preparation Programs
This agenda item provides information on the current equivalency process for Commission-approved subject matter preparation programs (SMPPs) and proposes a modification to the process that would allow Commission-approved SMPPs to grant an equivalency when a candidate has passed one or more subtests of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET).
4E: Draft Revised Program Standards for Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential Programs and Draft Revised PPS Candidate Performance Expectations
This agenda item provides an update on the work related to revising the Pupil Personnel Services Program Standards and the PPS Candidate Performance Expectations.
4F: Update on the Commission’s Program Surveys and Their Use in Accreditation
This agenda item provides an update on implementation of the Commission’s Program Completer Surveys, Master Teacher Survey, and Employer Survey. The item also discusses how the information from surveys will be used in the accreditation process.
Chair Linda Darling-Hammond will reconvene General Session.
Items agendized for the first day of the meeting, but not completed, may be taken up today.
2I: Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Cost Recovery Fees for Extraordinary Accreditation Activities
This agenda item proposes amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations sections 80691 and 80692 pertaining to Cost Recovery Fees for Extraordinary Accreditation Activities.
2J: Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Administrative Services Credentials
This agenda item proposes amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054 pertaining to California prepared administrators and the addition of section 80054.1 to clarify, interpret, and make specific the Education Code sections pertaining to the requirements for administrators prepared outside California.
2K: Proposed Addition to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to the Handling of Applications from Qualified Individuals with Disabilities
This agenda item proposes the addition of section 80002.1 to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations to clarify how applications from qualified individuals with disabilities who request reasonable accommodations will be handled by the Commission.
5A: Division of Professional Practices Workload Report
This agenda item provides a report on the Division of Professional Practices’ current workload.
5B: Proposed Disciplinary Guidelines for Adverse Action Orders and Conditions of Probation
This agenda item introduces Proposed Disciplinary Guidelines for Adverse Action Orders and Conditions of Probation for use by the Commission, legal counsel, administrative law judges, and other persons involved in the educator misconduct process.
5C: Committee of Credential Substitute Members
The Commission may appoint former Committee of Credential members to serve as substitute members of the Committee of Credentials to address anticipated short absences.
6A: Status of Legislation
Staff will present the status of those legislative measures of interest to the Commission and address questions regarding any other legislation identified by the Commissioners. Staff will also be asking the Commission to review and reaffirm their adopted Legislative Guidelines.
2L: Interview and Recommendation of Members/Alternates to the School Administrator Position for the Committee of Credentials
The Commission will consider persons recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee and make appointments.
2M: Report of Closed Session Items
2N: New Business
- Bimonthly Agenda is presented
- Audience Presentations