Division of Professional Practices - Contact
Reporting Educator Misconduct:
Educator misconduct is reported by employing school districts, charter schools, the public and self-reported on applications for credentials issued by the Commission.
Information and instructions can be found on the Report Educator Misconduct page.
If you have additional questions, please email the Division of Professional Practice (DPP) at: DPPquestions@ctc.ca.gov Please include “Reporting Educator Misconduct” in the email subject line.
Professional Fitness Questions and Self-Reported Misconduct:
Applicants must fully and accurately answer all six of the professional fitness questions and complete the appropriate explanation form(s). If you have not already completed the Personal and Professional Fitness Explanation Form, please complete and submit the form, along with any required police reports, certified court records and miscellaneous documents, to the Division of Professional Practices for review.
If you have additional questions, please email DPP at: DPPInfo@ctc.ca.gov and include “PFQ” in the email subject line.
Fingerprint Information:
The California Education Code §44340 and §44341 require that all individuals who seek to obtain California credentials, certificates, permits, and waivers issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing receive fingerprint clearance from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through the Commission.
If you have additional questions, California residents may email the fingerprint unit at Fingerprints@ctc.ca.gov; while non-residents can contact the Fingerprint Unit at OutofStateFPs@ctc.ca.gov.