Commission on Teacher Credentialing State Seal Logo

Commission on Teacher Credentialing

651 Bannon Street, Suite 600

Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 322-6253

Updated November 26, 2012
Watch Meeting: Thursday, December 6, 2012 and Friday, December 7, 2012

All attachments are in PDF format. 

Commission Meeting Agenda
December 6 - 7, 2012
All times are approximate and are provided for convenience only except time specific items identified herein (i.e. Public Hearing). The order of business within each day may be changed without notice. All items may be re-ordered to be heard on any day of the noticed meeting. Persons wishing to address the Commission on Teacher Credentialing on a subject to be considered at this meeting are asked to complete a Request Card and give it to the Recording Secretary prior to the discussion of the item. 

Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may make a request by contacting Rhonda Brown at (916) 322-6253 or sending a written request to that person at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting. 

Live Webcast Presentation: The Commission meeting will be webcast via the internet. Access the broadcast on the CTC Meetings page. While the Commission intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast all or part of the open meeting due to technical issues or limitations on resources.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

General Session

9:00 a.m.

Charles Gahagan, Chair

Please note: The order of business for the December 6-7, 2012 Commission meeting has been changed. The following agenda items will be reordered: Item 6A will be presented on Thursday, December 6; and Items 2A, 3A, 4C and 4E will be presented on Friday, December 7.
General Session

Commission Chair Charles Gahagan will convene the General Session. Roll call will be taken and the Pledge of Allegiance recited. 

1A: Approval of the September 2012 Minutes
The Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the September 2012 meeting of the Commission. 

1B: Approval of the December 2012 Agenda
The Commission will consider approval of the Agenda for the December 2012 meeting of the Commission. 


1C: Approval of the December 2012 Consent Calendar
The Commission will consider approval of the December 2012 Consent Calendar. 

Item 1C - Agenda Insert -- Updated December 4, 2012



1D: Chair's Report


1E: Executive Director's Report


1F: Commission Member Reports



1G: Liaison Reports

Fiscal Policy and Planning Committee

Eddie Cuevas, Committee Chair

2A: Update on the Provisional Report Required by the 2012-13 Budget Act
The 2012-13 Budget Act requires the Commission to work with the State Board of Education and the Legislature to identify options for streamlining the teacher preparation and credentialing processes, gaining other operational efficiencies within CTC, and recovering costs for accreditation services for teacher preparation programs and submit a report by January 15, 2013. 

Item 2A - Agenda Insert  -- Updated December 4, 2012


Legislative Committee

Linda Darling-Hammond, Committee Chair

3A: Possible 2013 Legislative Concepts
This agenda item provides possible legislative concepts that could be explored with the Administration for Commission consideration and discussion.


Professional Services Committee

Constance Blackburn, Committee Chair

4A: Annual Report of the Committee on Accreditation
This item presents the 2011-12 Annual Accreditation Report from the Committee on Accreditation. 


4B: Further Discussion of the Accreditation System: Basic Tenets, Unit Accreditation, Program Review, and Options for Potential Cost Recovery
This item provides further information on the Commission's accreditation system, including a review of the basic tenets of the current system and an analysis of the challenges and benefits of unit accreditation and program review.  Finally, the item presents potential options for the Commission regarding cost recovery for selected accreditation activities. 


4C: Draft Revisions to the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and Overview of Additional Work Related to Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
This agenda item presents draft revisions to the Teaching Performance Expectations in alignment with the Common Core State Standards and provides an overview of additional work related to the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. 


4D: Discussion of California's Administrative Services Credential Authorization
This agenda item provides a description of California's current authorization structure for the Administrative Services Credential and discusses the educational leadership positions for which the credential is required.  The item also includes a comparative report on administrative credential authorization structures throughout the United States. 


4E: Further Discussion of Assessment Options for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
This agenda item presents options for the use of performance assessment for candidates for the preliminary administrative services credential.



4F: Discussion of the Foundational Mathematics Authorization and Associated Subject Matter Requirements for the Authorization
This agenda item presents information about the authorization of the current Foundational Mathematics and the CSET subtests that are one route for an individual to satisfy the subject matter requirement for the Foundational Mathematics credential.  The item presents concerns from mathematics faculty members and the California Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (CAMTE).

Closed Session

Charles Gahagan, Chair

The Commission will go into Closed Session pursuant to California Education Code sections 44245 and 44248 to consider adverse actions, petitions for reinstatement and requests for reconsideration in discipline cases.  The Commission will report out of Closed Session appropriately concerning any and all actions taken or determinations made therein.

Friday, December 7, 2012

General Session

8:30 a.m.

Charles Gahagan, Chair

Reconvene General Session
Commission Chair Charles Gahagan will reconvene General Session. 

Items agendized for the first day of the meeting, but not discussed, may be taken up today.

Public Hearing

8:30 AM

1H: Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to the Administrative Services Credential
The proposed amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations will clarify and make specific the requirements pertaining to the Administrative Services Credential. 

Item 1H - Agenda Insert -- Updated December 4, 2012

Credentialing and Certificated Assignments Committee

Shane Martin, Committee Chair

5A: Implementation of Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in California
This agenda item provides background information on Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) from both a national and state level perspective and a discussion of staffing challenges related to the implementation of locally designed RtI2 and MTSS models in public schools of California. 

Item 5A - PowerPoint Presentation  --Updated December 10, 2012


5B: Teaching and Services Permits
This agenda item provides additional information on potential amendments to regulations pertaining to provisional internship permits and emergency permits as requested at the September 2012 Commission meeting.

Professional Practices Committee

Kathleen Harris, Committee Chair

6A: Division of Professional Practices Workload Report
This agenda item provides a report on the Division of Professional Practices' current workload. 


6B: Proposed Amendments to Regulation 80303, Reporting Change in the Employment Status of a Credential Holder
This agenda item presents proposed amendments to Title 5 California Code of Regulations section 80303 pertaining to the reporting of changes in the employment status of a credential holder. 


6C: Policy on Division of Professional Practices Cases
This agenda item provides a proposed policy recommendation for the Commission's consideration authorizing staff to close specific matters as a ministerial act when, after due diligence, legally required formal jurisdiction cannot be obtained.

Reconvene General Session

Charles Gahagan, Chair

1I: Report of Closed Session Items


1J: New Business
Quarterly Agenda is presented
Audience Presentations



1K: Nominations and Elections for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for 2013




Updated April 25, 2023