Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 322-6253
Updated August 19, 2011
See Also: July 2011 Commission Meeting Minutes
(Video not available)
All attachments are in PDF format.
Commission Meeting Agenda
July 12, 2011
Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may make a request by contacting Rhonda Brown at (916) 322-6253 or sending a written request to that person at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting.
Live Webcast Presentation: The Commission meeting will be webcast via the internet. Access the broadcast on the CTC Meetings page. While the Commission intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast all or part of the open meeting due to technical issues or limitations on resources.
The Commission will go into Closed Session pursuant to California Government Code sections 11126(e) and 11126(g)(2) to consider pending litigation Carroll v Commission on Teacher Credentialing (SPB 11-0739) and matters relating to the recruitment, appointment or removal of its executive director. The Commission will report out of Closed Session appropriately concerning any and all actions taken or determinations made therein.
Pursuant to Government Code section 11123 the meeting will be held by teleconference at the following locations that are accessible to the public:
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
1900 Capitol Ave
Sacramento, Ca 95811
1482 East Valley Road, Suite 30
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
28122 Seco Canyon Road
Saugus, CA 91390
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Education 3236
University of California, Santa Barbara, 93106
1150 South Olive, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Western Regional Counsel
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
634 S. Spring St., 11th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90014
10 Civic Center Plaza, Ste 300
Santa Ana, CA 92701
15055 Eastvale Road
Poway, CA 92064
3000 Hanover Street MS 1046
Palo Alto, CA 94304
1A: Report of Closed Session Items