Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 322-6253
All attachments are in PDF format.
Commission Meeting Agenda
April 14, 2005
Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may make a request by contacting Rhonda Brown at (916) 322-6253 or sending a written request to that person at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting.
Live Webcast Presentation: The Commission meeting will be webcast via the internet. Access the broadcast on the CTC Meetings page. While the Commission intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast all or part of the open meeting due to technical issues or limitations on resources.
1A: Approval of the Minutes
Staff will recommend that the Committee approve the minutes of the March 2005 meeting of the Appeals and Waivers Committee. After review, the Committee may approve, or amend and approve the minutes.
1B: Waivers: Consent Calendar
Pursuant to Education Code Section 44225(m) waiver requests are submitted for consideration in the areas of educator preparation and credentialing. These requests have been reviewed by staff on the basis of criteria adopted by the Commission.
1C: Waivers: Conditions Calendar
Pursuant to Education Code Section 44225(m) waiver requests are submitted for consideration in the areas of educator preparation and credentialing. These requests have been reviewed by staff on the basis of criteria adopted by the Commission. Special conditions for subsequent waivers are included.
1D: Waivers: Denial Calendar
Pursuant to Education Code Section 44225(m) waiver requests are submitted for consideration in the areas of educator preparation and credentialing. These waivers do not meet the criteria adopted by the Commission.
2A: Call the Meeting to Order
Roll call shall be taken followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2B: Approval of the March 2005 Minutes
The Executive Director will recommend that the Commission approve the minutes of the March 2005 meeting of the Commission.
2C: Approval of the April 2005 Agenda
The Executive Director will recommend that the Commission approve the Agenda for the April 2005 meeting of the Commission.
2D: Approval of the April 2005 Consent Calendar
The Executive Director will recommend that the Commission approve the April 2005 Consent Calendar. After review, the Commission may approve, or amend and approve the Consent Calendar.
2E: Chair's Report
2F: Executive Director's Report
2G: Commission Member Reports
2H: Liaison Reports
3A: Proposed Amendments to Title 5 Section 80413
A public hearing is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. to consider amendments to Section 80413 to the California Code of Regulations Title 5 pertaining Specific Requirements for Preliminary and Professional Clear Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials for Applicants Prepared in California
4A: Review and Establish the Priorities for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for Fiscal Year 2005-06
Staff will present an overview of the various activities required of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) in order to establish the Commission's priorities for Fiscal Year 2005-06. Once action is taken, the approved plan will be shared with Control Agencies and the Legislature as part of the yearly budget review process.
5A: Options for Determining the Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities for the California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Examination
This agenda item presents options for the knowledge, skills, and abilities that will be required of veteran teachers and teachers trained outside of California seeking authorization to teach English Learners.
Information/ Action
5B: Options for Reviewing Bilingual Certification
This agenda item discusses the development of a plan to involve stakeholders and to address policy questions pertaining to bilingual certification. It provides options for the Commission to consider in developing a work plan and provides cost estimates for each option.
Information/ Action
5C: Options for the Establishment of Exam Fees for 2005-06 Fiscal Year
Options for the Establishment of Exam Fees for 2005-06 Fiscal Year 5C This agenda item presents options for the establishment of exam fees for the 2005-06 fiscal year.
Information/ Action
5D: Competitive Grant Process for Funding New Alternative Certification Programs
This agenda item presents an overview of the Commission's role in administering alternative certification grants that support university and district internship programs, and presents for consideration, a Competitive Grant Process that would enable the Commission to fund new internship programs for the 2005-06 fiscal year should funds be appropriated for that purpose in the annual budget act.
Information/ Action
5E: Initial Accreditation and Program Review
This agenda item presents proposals submitted by local education agencies and institutions of higher education for initial institutional accreditation and for single subject matter preparation program approval. The agenda item provides an overview of the process for reviewing proposals, analysis of the program proposals, and costs associated with the reviews.
6A: Status of Legislation of Interest to the Commission
Staff will present the status of legislative measures that have a position adopted by the Commission. Staff will provide an update on these bills. The Commission may adopt a change in position on individual measures as appropriate.
Information/ Action
6B: Analyses of Bills of Interest to the Commission
Staff will present analyses of educator preparation or licensing bills introduced by legislators. The analyses will summarize current law, describe the bills' provisions, estimate costs, and recommend amendments if applicable. The Commission may take a position on the measures. Positions for the Commission to consider are: Sponsor, Support, Support if Amended, Seek Amendments, Watch, Oppose Unless Amended, Oppose, or No Position.
7A: Teacher Supply in California 2003-04 A Report to the Legislature
This agenda item is in response to Assembly Bill (AB) 471 (Scott, Chapter 381, Statutes of 1999. AB 471 requires the Commission report to the Governor and the Legislature each year on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits and waivers to teach in California public schools.
2J: Report of Appeals and Waivers Committee
2K: New Business
Quarterly Agenda for May/June, August and October 2005 is presented.
Audience Presentations
2L: Adjournment