At its June 2010 meeting, the Commission may take action to adopt the following recommendations from the COA:

  • That the Requirements for Organizations [PDF] that are not Regionally Accredited or accredited by CHEA or the USDOE to Offer Educator Preparation Programs in California presented in this item serve as the Commission's initial process for NGO or CBOs to establish institutional viability as required by SBX5 1.
  • That full accreditation by NCATE be deemed to have met the Commission's requirement of regional accreditation for initial institutional approval if the entity submits adequate information for the four components of the Commission's Common Standards which are not adequately addressed by the NCATE Unit Standards.
  • That the COA monitor the alternative process for institutional approval and report to the Commission at least annually on the process and entities that have utilized the process.
  • That as information about the process adopted by the Commission in June 2010 is collected, the Commission review and  fine tune the process in the future.

The Committee on Accreditation (COA) is still finalizing the procedures for the review of an entity's proposal for the alternative institutional approval.

Agendas for the COA meetings can be found the COA meetings page.

General information can be found on the COA website.

Updated March 14, 2024