COVID Flexibilities

Updated: July 6, 2022

COVID FlexibilitySummary of FlexibilityEligible for Use Authority and Condition

Move performance assessment requirement (TPA/APA) to the Clear Credential if impacted by COVID as noted in PSA 21-08. The performance assessment must be passed prior to recommendation for the clear credential.

This flexibility ends August 31, 2022

March 19, 2020- August 31, 2022Authority:EO N-66-20 and SB 820 (Chap. 110, Stats. 2020) Extended with AB 130 (Chap. 44, Stats.2021)
Subject Matter - Student Teaching

Waive the Preconditions that Require Subject Matter Requirement prior to Daily Whole Class Instruction for Preliminary Multiple/Single Subject and Preliminary Education Specialist candidates. This flexibility does not apply to Intern candidates. All candidates must satisfy the subject matter requirement prior to recommendation for the preliminary credential. 

This flexibility ends May 1, 2023

For school year 2021-22 and 2022-23.Authority: Commission action, April 2020, Agenda item 4A. Extended with Commission action, June 2022, Agenda item 3J. Additional details in PSA 22-07

Suspends requirement of CBEST for Program Entry, if the candidate is unable to complete the exam due to testing center closures related to COVID-19, and the requirements for programs to use the CBEST data to support candidates. Basic Skills must be met prior to recommendation for the credential.

This flexibility has expired.

March 19, 2020- June 30, 2022

Authority: EO N-66-20 and SB 820 (Chap. 110, Stats. 2020) Extended with AB 130 (Chap. 44, Stats.2021) The Commission took action to extend this deadline to June 30, 2022

Conditions: For prospective candidates unable to take the exam due to testing center closures related to COVID-19

Subject Matter - Interns

Suspends Subject Matter Requirement for Interns: to enter the Intern program if the candidate is unable to complete it due to testing center closures related to COVID-19. The subject matter requirement must be met prior to recommendation for the preliminary credential.

This flexibility has expired.

March 19, 2020- June 30, 2022

Authority: EO N-66-20 and SB 820 (Chap. 110, Stats. 2020) Extended with AB 130 (Chap. 44, Stats.2021) The Commission took action to extend this deadline to June 30, 2022

Conditions: Unable to take CSET due to testing center closures related to COVID


Program Sponsor Variable Term Waiver (PS-VTW) allows candidates who were on track to complete an educator preparation program to have an additional year to complete the credential requirements.

This flexibility has expired.

March 19, 2020- August 31, 2021

Authority: Commission Action, April 2020 and October 20204

Conditions: Almost all requirements met, need more time, and impacted by COVID

PPS -2 nd Placement

Waives the Requirement for 2 Placements for Pupil Personnel Credentials. Title 5 regulations require candidates to complete placements in at least two grade level bands for a minimum of 100 hours in each placement. This requirement is waived. Candidates are still subject to the minimum number of total required clinical practice hours

This flexibility has expired.


March 19, 2020- June 30, 2021

Authority: : SB 98 (Chap. 24, Stats. 2020)



Defer CBEST for one year if the candidate who has not previously failed the assessment (used most often by out of state candidates). 

This flexibility has expired.

March 19, 2020- August 31, 2021

Authority: : Commission Action, April 2020 and October 2020

Conditions: Not previously failed CBEST as noted in the CBEST Deferral and BSR Guidance Document

Length of Validity of Scores

Examination Scores are Valid for eleven (11) years rather than the ten years in Regulations due to the COVID pandemic.

This flexibility has expired.

March 19, 2020- June 30, 2021

Authority: SB 98 (Chap. 24, Stats. 2020)

Conditions: Impacted by COVID

Extension of Credentials

COVID has been defined as a Good Cause for a one-year extension to a credential or permit for individuals. Requires evidence of school closure, medical reasons, mandated quarantine, or other disruption directly related to COVID. (PIPs and STSPs do not quality for this extension)

This flexibility has expired.

Available for all credential holders except for holders of a PIP or STSP.

Authority: Commission Action, April 2020 Agenda Item 3A

Conditions: Impacted by COVID

Authority: Commission Action, April 2020 Agenda Item 3A Conditions: Impacted by COVID

Individuals who have served on a PIP or STSP can downgrade to an employer requested Variable Term Waiver (VTW).

This flexibility has expired.

Available for PIP/STSP Holders

Authority: Commission Action, April 2020

Condition: Impacted by COVID


Individuals serving on a VTW may, through an employer, request an additional issuance of the waiver even if the criteria for renewing the waiver have not been met. Requires evidence of school closure, medical reasons, mandated quarantine, or other disruption directly related to COVID.

This flexibility has expired.

Available for all VTW holders

Authority: Commission Action, April 2020

Condition: Impacted by COVID

Updated September 11, 2023