Teacher Preparation Programs - General Questions

Updated: October 16, 2020

Q1. What changes have been made to the requirement of 4 weeks of solo teaching?

A1. The Commission action allows preliminary preparation programs to determine when a candidate has met the solo teaching requirement. Programs should ensure that candidates have demonstrated the knowledge and skills in the teaching performance expectations.

Q2. What changes have been made to the 600-hours of clinical practice requirement?

A2. The Commission action allows preliminary preparation programs to determine when a candidate has met the clinical practice requirement even if the candidate has not completed 600 hours. Programs should ensure that candidates have demonstrated the knowledge and skills in the teaching performance expectations.

Q3. Should the Program Modifications Document be specific to each program (i.e.; intern program vs. Residency program) or should it be 1 document to cover all of the IHEs offerings?

A3. Each Commission approved program must develop a document that identifies the modifications that have been made to the program due to COVID-19. If the Commission approved program is offered in a variety of delivery models (such as undergraduate/ graduate, face-to-face/online/combination, student teaching, residency, co-teaching) the program may include the variety of delivery models in one document. If it would be clearer to have multiple Program Modification Documents for the different delivery models, please do so.

Q4. Can a teacher candidate begin student teaching without a certificate of clearance?

A4. No candidate in any educator preparation program may teach or provide services to students without a certificate of clearance. The Live Scan centers are open in the state, some with limited hours. The Certificate of Clearance means the Commission is Updated: October 16, 2020 monitoring the individual for any reports of arrest and prosecution. The COC is the way to ensure that predators are not interacting with California’s students.

Q5. Will the CTC send us templates for 1) how the Educator Preparation Program (EPP)communicates its program “modifications” to the CTC? 2) an MOU from EPP to PS-VTW candidates about supporting them and 3) an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to take to the Induction program?

A5. The Commission does not develop templates for MOUs for programs. These documents are legal documents and should be developed with the advice of local counsel. Templates for IDPs are not available, however, they typically are aligned to the TPEs/CSTPs.

Q6. When will the Commission write up an MOU to districts? Candidates are beginning to apply for jobs next year.

A6. The Commission is working with ACSA, CSBA, county offices, and school districts to help the local education agencies understand the flexibilities that the Commission has put in place due to COVID-19. The Commission is not developing a MOU for preparation programs to use.

Q7. For ADS report due in August, how will candidates on PS-VTW be reported? As completers? Or as delayed completers?

A7. Staff is still considering this issue. Information will be shared as soon as this is determined.

Q8. For the 600 hours of fieldwork modification, does this apply for incoming students in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021?

A8. No. The action the Commission took in April 2020 was limited to the candidates completing a teacher preparation program between March 19 and January 31, 2021. The Commission will review the restrictions and may take action that will address flexibility for candidates in the 2020-21 year at a later date.

Updated June 29, 2023