School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have brought about virtual classrooms throughout California for both K-12 and higher education. This has created a challenge for teachers-in-training (candidates) to complete the necessary clinical practice hours and observations to meet the requirements for both student teaching and residency models.

The California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling (CAIS), in collaboration with the Orange County Department of Education and with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Thompson Policy Institute on Disability at Chapman University, is offering a statewide webinar series with topics addressing the areas identified below. Each topic is presented at various depth levels for teacher candidates. Mentor teachers, university/college supervisors, and university/college faculty at Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and Institutions of Higher Education are also welcome to attend and participate. The webinars are designed for candidates in all preliminary teacher preparation programs—Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist candidates.

Current webinar topics

  • Positive Behavior Supports
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Multi-Tiered System of Support
  • Co-Teaching
  • CA Teaching Performance Assessment
  • Secondary Transition
  • Evidence-based literacy practices
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Behavior Intervention Plans

Delivery Model

  • Content is delivered by an established expert in the field with online teaching experience.
  • Length of each webinar is approximately 60 minutes.
  • Teacher candidates may attend the webinar synchronously or the candidate could access the webinar later as a recording.
  • Following the webinar, 60-minute breakout rooms will be available for teacher candidates/student teachers and all other webinar participants.
  • The breakout rooms are interactive to accommodate the varying entry levels of participants.
  • Breakout coaches are experienced educators in the implementation of the content being addressed and each appropriately qualified.
  • Each session includes suggestions for additional extension activities for teacher candidates to complete in collaboration with mentor teachers, the university supervisor, or other experienced educators upon approval from the candidate’s respective preparation program.

What are Active Webinars?

In addition to traditional live webinars with a sidebar chat moderator, the Active Webinars include experienced content coaches to facilitate discussions in breakout rooms to create virtual professional learning communities. The Active Webinars also include ideas for extension activities that teacher candidates can complete with an experienced educator.

Cost to Participants

Currently there is no cost to the active webinar participants. We thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Thompson Family Foundation, through the Thompson Policy Institute, for their moral and financial support during this difficult time. For specific information on topics and dates, or to register for the webinars please visit the California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling Website at

Webinar Partners

  • California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling (CAIS)
  • California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
  • Orange County Department of Education (OCDE)
  • Thompson Policy Institute at Chapman University (TPI)
  • Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project
  • CSU Chancellor’s Office

See Below: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Language and Alignment with Webinar Design for Completing Required Student Teaching Hours

CTC Brand Seal
California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling Logo Chapman University: Thompson Policy Institute Logo
Orange County Department of Education Logo

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Language and Alignment with Webinar Design for Completing Required Student Teaching Hours


Commission Guidance LanguageOptions for Completion Outside of the Physical K-12 Classroom Due to School ClosureRecording Hours and Evidence
Co-planning time, with veteran practitioners for lessons that the candidate will deliver. Webinars offer candidates the opportunity to co-plan and meet with veteran educators and to connect with peers to co-plan and collaborate. The extension activities offer opportunities for teacher candidates to continue developing skills beyond the webinar and breakout room. Keep a detailed record of hours met and the tasks completed during the meetings.
Working with veteran practitioners, grading and analyzing student work, reflecting on lessons, and planning for the needs of individual students The webinars offer the opportunity for teacher candidates to discuss grading practices, analyze student work samples, reflect on lessons, and plan collaboratively to meet the individual needs of students. Extension activities include ideas for candidates to work with mentor teachers, university supervisors, or other experienced educators virtually using videos, past student work (possibly provided by mentor teachers), IRIS modules, Teaching Channel, Edutopia, EdutubeKeep a detailed record of hours, all interaction, materials and videos viewed, and all tasks documented. This should be shared with your Mentor Teachers, University Supervisor, or an approved experienced educator.
Time working with professional learning communities, grade level and department meetingsThe webinars offer teacher candidates the opportunity to accrue hours working in professional learning communities along with other educators across the state. Record hours and tasks completed. This should be shared with your Mentor Teachers, University Supervisor and others as directed.
Updated April 21, 2023